Canadian Maps

Maps are one of the most powerful tools in the world. They provide invaluable insights into the relationships between people, places, and events.

Indigenous Place Names in Canada mapMaps allow us to explore new places, obtain better understanding about our surroundings, and gain a greater appreciation of the world around us. Maps can also be used to illustrate complex information in a way that is easy to understand. They can be used to help us make decisions and plan strategies. From helping us locate nearby restaurants to plotting out the safest route to a destination, maps are essential tools in our daily lives.

The “Canadian Maps” section of our site is where we showcase many different types of Canadian Maps and includes maps that we have created, as well as maps created by other cartographers. See the various links listed further below for pages containing a variety of Canadian Maps …

If you have any Canadian Maps that you think we should share with our viewers here, then please do let us know.

PEI Aerial Photograph Interactive Map Tool

Prince Edward Island Aerial Photograph Interactive Map Tool

The province of Prince Edward Island continues to do a great job at making their aerial photography available to the public and this interactive map tool is your key to finding aerial photography for anywhere in Prince Edward Island that you can then use with ArcMap, MapInfo, Google Earth or any other GIS based software as well as other non GIS uses.
Ontario’s Renewable Energy Atlas and Maps

Ontario’s Renewable Energy Atlas and Maps

The Renewable Energy Atlas was created to assist citizens be able to better recognize areas of Ontario's potential renewable energy and provide better information.
The future of GIS with Esri's ArcGIS Online

The future of GIS with Esri’s ArcGIS Online

Jack Dangermond discusses the potential of Esri's ArcGIS online cloud based GIS and how mapping applications leverage it to access GIS file sharing and collaboration in a cloud environment.
Elections Nova Scotia Interactive Web Map

Elections Nova Scotia Interactive Web Map

Yesterday Nova Scotia went to the polls for their 39th Provincial Election and at the end of the day elected a new Government. This time around Elections Nova Scotia, the organization responsible for the establishment and maintenance of the Province's election related data and governing election activities provided an online interactive web mapping application tool.
Submit an Online Web Mapping Site

Halifax Regional Municipality Crime Mapping

A combined commitment between the Halifax Regional Police and Halifax District RCMP now provides effective communication to the community through the 'Halifax Regional Municipality (HRM) Crime Mapping' application pilot project. HRM Crime Mapping is an interactive online crime mapping tool created to provide the public with information about various crimes happening in the HRM. Making the spatial knowledge of existing crimes available can help increase crime prevention by making people more aware of what crimes are happening in their community.
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Avoid the Traffic with ReRouteMe Mapping Application

Want to avoid the traffic, then the ReRouteMe online web mapping application can help you avoid construction, accidents and traffic congestion.This online mapping application takes the basic functionality of Google maps (such as the display of the reference map and the address search ability) and combines it with custom functionality and databases that are completely independent from Google to provide a powerful value added product that can help you avoid accidents, traffic cams, construction and any congestion on your everyday commute. Today I take a closer look at ReRouteMe mapping applicationand what it has to offer the Canadian Urban Commuter.
Submit an Online Web Mapping Site

Learn where the Antipode for your area is – Just Point, Click & Reveal

Ever hear anybody use the expression “You better be careful you don’t dig too deep or you will end up in China” while digging a hole? Even if that could be possible (to dig down through the Earth’s core and come up on the other side of the world), would it really be China on the other side of that hole? What would be the  real Antipode (straight line that connects one location on the globe with a location on the other side of a globe while going through the center axis) for that hole you were digging? The antipodes interactive web map depicts antipodes automatically for any location that you select. Simply point and click and then easily reveal the place that is on the other side of the world for any location on the Earth’s surface (without doing the math).
Submit an Online Web Mapping Site

Submit an Online Web Mapping Site

Online Web mapping involves designing, implementing, generating and delivering maps to end users via the Internet through common web browsers, allowing people to use maps interactively with out needing high end software. Our Web mapping section examines the various online web mapping and web GIS applications that have been created all across Canada. If you know of one that is not listed on the site then let us know and we will see that it is added, just use the form on this page to send us the details.
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Town of Banff Online Maps and Apps

As many of you already know or perhaps may have recently discovered, has been high-lighting places in Canada that have an online web mapping site or application in order to help better provide information to their residents. Now this month the Town of Banff is featured as they too have now joined the spatial ranks of several other Cities and Municipalities in Canada with the launch of their own online mapping site (Simply check out the Web Maps category link or the site search tools along the right side to find many other great Canadian Online Map sites featured). The Maps and Apps website created by the Town of Banff GIS and IT departments provides free public access to maps and geospatial applications that help the Town of Banff provide better services and connect with it's own citizens in a new way.