GIS Conference and Events in Canada
Attending a geomatics event or professional conference is a great way to keep update about what is currently happening in the Geomatics industry and also an opportunity to have a good time while networking and mingling with others.
Many organizations across Canada offer great conferences and events, so the Conference and Events section provides free information about the various GIS related conferences, events, workshops, training and webinars that are available to or could be of related interest to other Canadians.
Some upcoming geomatics related conference and events in Canada include ...

How about a Thumbs Up?
Facebook is one of the most popular social media sites on the internet and websites like CanadianGIS.com rely on it to help further promote our GIS & Geomatics resources.
So if you are using FaceBook then we would love it if you could give us a Thumbs Up by Liking our FaceBook Page!.

Canadian Geospatial Directory
The Canadian Geospatial Directory contains basic information about the various Geomatics related companies found in and around Canada (with some from abroad) including many key aspects such as the companies basic info, contact info, web site info and geographic location.
We started adding content to the directory using our own database of 1000+ Canadian companies and organizations from coast to coast that work in the geomatics field. However, it is time for the Canadian Geomatics community to help us further fill out the directory by contributing more information to existing listings and adding new listings for companies and services that have yet to be included.
All this is free, so find out how you can help add information about your Canadian company or organization ...

Submit your Geomatics Conference or Event
Our Canadian Geomatics Conference and Events section was designed to help provide people with a central place to obtain information about the various GIS & Geomatics related conferences, events, workshops, training and webinars that are held in Canada.
We have now added the ability for people to add / edit their geomatics event information themselves instead of waiting for us to publish it. Find out more by ...

GIS Conference and Events
Attending professional GIS conferences or geomatics related events is always a great way to stay current with what is happening in the geomatics industry and provides amble opportunity to enjoy a good time while networking and mingling with others in the geomatics sector.
Our events section includes a variety events related to GIS, remote sensing, surveying, cartography, geography and all other geomatics disciplines (and from British Columbia to Newfoundland).
Listed here is information about upcoming GIS conferences, events and webinars in Canada

Submit an Online Web Mapping Site
Online Web mapping involves designing, implementing, generating and delivering maps to end users via the Internet through common web browsers, allowing people to use maps interactively with out needing high end software. Our Web mapping section examines the various online web mapping and web GIS applications that have been created all across Canada. If you know of one that is not listed on the site then let us know and we will see that it is added, just use the form on this page to send us the details.

Is your GIS program listed?
One of the goals of Canadian GIS & Geomatics is to promote education programs in Canada. Currently we have about 25 different Universities & Colleges on our site that offer education related to GIS and Geomatics. However if you are currently in a GIS program or know of one that we have yet to post on the site then we would be interested in hearing more about it from you, so we can share that information with others.

About CanadianGIS.com
The CanadianGIS.com website is a free online Canadian Geospatial resource website that I started in 2005 after discovering that there was a lack of good online places to find Canadian GIS & Geomatics resources for the projects that I was involved with.
Over time it evolved from a small html based site created mainly for my own use to an interactive one where thousands of people now visit every week. More functionality has been added such as social media, geomatics events calendar, blog and the Canadian Geospatial directory but the focus has remained the same and thanks to a dedicated following the site remains to be one of the best places to help people find online Canadian Geospatial resources.

Contribute to CanadianGIS.com
Often the key to having a great website is to have plenty of relevant Canadian information to share with those that come to the site, and we like to think that we do a great job of providing that service, however if you have something that is Canadian GIS or Geomatics related that you would like to share or contribute to the website then we would like to hear from you.
So if you have something that is Canadian GIS related that you would like to share or contribute to the website then I would like to hear about it from you.