QGIS – Open Source GIS Software
One of the more popular desktop geographic information system (GIS) software packages available these days happens to be a free open source software, known as QGIS. Every one who works in the geomatics sector should make use of this great geospatial resource, and if you are not yet using QGIS then find out how you can get started ...
Dive Into Python
Dive Into Python is a free book for more experienced programmers who want to branch out into python scripting. Find out how you can download the full version in a variety of languages for free.
GeoGeeks Fraser Valley Group
The GeoGeeks Fraser Valley Group is for those interested in spatial related things and for those who are interested in sharing that passion with others through spatial technology. There is so much that cab be learned and shared from one another: open data, open street mapping, open source software, new technology and techniques, and more. So if you are in the Fraser Valley area then you should get together, network and support one other!