ColorBrewer Color Scheme Selector
ColorBrewer 2.0 is a simple online tool that helps you choose appropriate color schemes to use with your online mapping projects. It works with 3 different types of data schemes: sequential (data that ranges from low to high), diverging (data with equal an emphasis on critical values and extremes) or qualitative ( best suited for nominal or categorical data).
The Regina Online Culture Map
Information of various Regina events and activities can now be easily found on their online interactive Culture Web Map. With this neat little tool the city provides information on many of it's cultural resources. The web map is based on ESRI web server technology and has been looks rather sharp while keeping it as simple as can be so that it appeals to almost everyone.
GeoNB Map Viewer and free New Brunswick Digital data sets
Check out the remarkable efforts that Service New Brunswick has been able to accomplish ensuring that their residents have access to good geographic information data sets as well as access to amazing free online web mapping tools for those that are not fortunate enough to have GIS related software.
If you are looking at generating maps related to the province of New Brunswick then I recommend that you check out these data sets as they will provide a stable building block to build a decent GIS with. And if you are not interested in doing any GIS work with New Brunswick data sets, then at least check out the GeoNB online web Map Viewer.
British Columbia Court Services Locator Map
DataBC and the Ministry of Justice have joined forces to provide an online mapping application to help the people of British Columbia be able to spatially locate where the various court facilities in British Columbia are located.
The interactive mapping tool based on the Google Maps platform uses data from uses data from DataBC and Ministry of Justice (Court Services Branch) to provide people with a new way of accessing location information for courts in British Columbia.Thier interactive mapping tool offers various search abilities and provides the locations of courts in the map window that when clicked, prodding basic information and links to the respective web pages for that facility with more adequate information.