
Fortress of Louisburg Maps

Fortress of Louisburg Maps

Recently we purchased some old maps at a yard sale, and one of the old map books contained a tattered map featuring the Fortress of Louisbourg that we scanned, cleaned up in photo-shop and then reproduced. While searching for the date and source of our map print we also noticed that there have been several old Fortress of Louisbourg maps created and have included a few the links here to share with others ...
Explore nearly 150 years of Kingston History using Maps and Aerial Images

Explore nearly 150 years of Kingston History using Maps and Aerial Images

The Snapshot Kingston online mapping application allows people to explore nearly 150 years of Kingston History using Maps and Aerial Images. See how this application is helping citizens better appreciate their history and geography ...
History of Canada in 10 Maps

History of Canada in 10 Maps

A History of Canada in 10 Maps consists of several fascinating stories behind some of the people and maps that helped define Canada.
Nova Scotia Mi’kmaw Place Names Atlas

Atlas of Mi’kmaw Place Names

The most complete geographical representation ever created of Mi’kma’ki territory and Mi’kmaw Place Names, including an online interactive map with more than 700 place names derived from approximately 1500 names collected throughout Nova Scotia from interviews with Mi’kmaw Elders and others. Click here to browse the Atlas of Mi’kmaw Place Names ...
Online Toronto Historic Maps comparison tool

Online Toronto Historic Maps comparison tool

An online mapping tool of Toronto has been providing users the ability to compare locations in Toronto through various periods of time from 2013 back to 1818. Check out this neat online mapping application that helps promote historic maps of Toronto ...