Open Data Should be for Everyone
In Canada, data drives policy decisions, business decisions and community decisions. From national conversations about social issues to local campaigns for more park benches, our decisions are guided by geographic data - and when more people have access to authoritative data, the more informed these important conversations can be.
We live in the age of free and open source GIS, such as the popular QGIS platform. With a short primer on some geographic fundamentals, even non-technical users can successfully create their very own custom map.
Updated Pan-Canadian Geomatics Community Strategy
The CGCRT steering committee now has an updated version of the Pan-Canadian Geomatics Community Strategy document that reflects the discussions and input from the June “Team Canada” Workshop that took place in Ottawa.
GIS and Geomatics Jobs on LinkedIn
For years now LinkedIn has proven to be a powerful online career tool that people have been including in their job hunting arsenal of tools. Besides some the more obvious features that it provides (such as online portfolios, resumes available 24/7, job postings and recruiters) it has allowed people to network with others in the same industry much easier, often connecting with people well beyond their geographic regions.
The Canadian GIS & Geomatics group for example has grown to over 2000 members in the past year, and contains a wide range of active geomatics people from Newfoundland to British Columbia who have a wide range of backgrounds, knowledge and experience (GIS, Cartography, Remote Sensing, LIDAR, Surveying etc.).
Free Canadian Geospatial Data Sets
The Federal Government produces and acquires data sets in many different areas including health, agriculture, the environment and natural resources. The Government of Canada launched an open data portal [] earlier this year as part of Canada's open government initiative. The portal aims to provide Canadians with a single point of access to find and download government open data sets.