
Unlocking the Power of Location Economics

Closer Look at Location Hub Portal

DMTI Spatial's location success lies in how well they leverage technology expertise, having a strong partner network and a reliable Canada-wide address database. Here we will take a closer look at the DMTI Location Hub® Portal to check out the simple, intuitive interface with lightning speed processing and see how well it performs at cleaning, standardizing, validating and geocoding address records. And in the end demonstrate how well it provides ‘the Power of Location’.
Using Location Hub to Unlock the Power of Location Economics

Using Location Hub to Unlock the Power of Location Economics

Recently I had an opportunity to talk 'one on one' with Arthur Berrill, CTO of DMTI Spatial; a Canadian geomatics based company that has been a leader in the Location Business for several years. DMTI Spatial is a Canadian based company that has been providing industry-leading enterprise Location Economics solutions for almost two decades. They started off by designing a comprehensive and tightly integrated national street network database known as CanMap®, and have evolved to integrate Location Economic solutions through Location Hub® combined with a database of unique address identifiers (UAID). Unlike traditional GIS that is typically built around X, Y coordinate values with attribute information and designed for more technical people whereas location analytic services uses an address as the key approach to connect attributes while defining the location spatially at the same time. When you stop and think about it, almost nothing in everyday life uses coordinates to define locations, yet nearly all data contains address based information, therefore it makes perfect sense to have Location Hub® start with the addresses and then build a GIS behind the scenes, leveraging the most comprehensive base data available in Canada. ...