The City of Saskatoon Online Mapping Application provides the locations of schools, parks, leisure facilities, sports fields, points of interest, and parcels.
The Saskatchewan Upgraded Road Network (SURN) contains all components of the National Road Network (NRN) in Saskatchewan along with railway crossings and private entrances in rural area. Download the data to use in your geospatial projects ...
Saskatchewan online mapping application ...
The Saskatchewan Land Surveyors Association is an organization of land surveyors and professional surveyors who are registered to practice in accordance with the provisions of The Land Surveyors and Professional Surveyors Act
Seamless coverage for the agricultural areas of Saskatchewan at 1:100,000 scale ...
The City of Regina Open Data website provides the public with "self-serve" access to city data/information for download or viewing in different formats. Members of the public can access the information to do data analysis, mapping, chart creation or develop applications.
The Saskatchewan Mining and Petroleum GeoAtlas application is intended to provide a portal to public geoscience, minerals- and petroleum-related information. Information on the online map is provided as a public service by the Government of Saskatchewan.
The Saskatchewan Geological Survey is responsible for investigating, compiling and maintaining information on the geology, and mineral and petroleum resources of the province. They have various maps and data on the economic and general geology of Saskatchewan ...